Who are we?
Profesionales Sociales en la Intervención del Maltrato (PSIMA) is a non-profit association of social action that brings together psychologists, criminologists and lawyers who are aware of and interested in the prevention, intervention, research and awareness-raising against violence in any of its forms and contexts.
PSIMA was created in 2009 as an initiative of several professionals linked to the Department of Social Psychology of the University of Valencia interested in applying research to community intervention with the aim of making it more rigorous and effective. Thus, through prevention campaigns, intervention programmes and training courses for professionals, it aims to actively contribute to the eradication of violence.
At PSIMA we believe that the phenomenon of violence must be approached in all its magnitude and complexity and that an effective response involves both perpetrators and victims. Under this prism and with the clear and determined responsibility of social professionals and Public and Private Administrations, we firmly believe that we can face the problem of violence and achieve progress towards a fair and egalitarian society.
Organisation chart
Governing bodies.
The board of directors oversees and guides the organisation towards the achievement of the founding objectives, supervises and approves decisions affecting objectives, strategies, plans and actions. During 2017, the board of directors was made up of: Raquel Conchell Diranzo. PhD in Psychology and Associate Professor in the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education at the University of Valencia. Supervisor of the Contexto programme and author of several research articles. Mª Victoria Lorenzo López. PhD in Psychology, supervisor of the Contexto Programme and co-author of the "Manual de Intervención con Maltratadores". In addition to her interest in intimate partner violence, she has developed her professional work with children at risk of social exclusion and child and parent violence. She currently teaches at the International University of Valencia (VIU). Alba Catalá Miñana. PhD in Psychology, she has been a Researcher at the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Valencia until June 2014 and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Social Psychology in the period from 2015 to 2016. She currently teaches at the International University of Valencia (VIU). She is also an expert in research methodology.
To consult the statutes, please download the attached document.
Mission, Vision and Values
Profesionales Sociales en la Intervención del Maltrato (PSIMA) is a non-profit association of social action that brings together psychologists, social workers, criminologists, social educators and lawyers who are aware of and interested in:
- Prevention, intervention, research and awareness-raising against violence in all its forms and and contexts.
- Promote and encourage equal opportunities between women and men.
- Prevention, intervention, research, training and awareness-raising on violence against children.
- Contribute to cultural development.
- Promote and foster new masculinities based on gender equality.
- Prevention, intervention, research, training and awareness of violence in people with functional diversity (sensory, physical and/or intellectual).
- Encourage volunteering activities and social participation. Encouraging the promotion of egalitarian attitudes and values among volunteers.
- Conduct awareness-raising campaigns on intimate partner violence.
PSIMA was created in 2009 as an initiative of professionals linked to the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Valencia interested in applying research to community intervention with the aim of making it more rigorous and effective and, at the same time, seeking a greater impact on it. Thus, through prevention campaigns, intervention programmes and training courses for professionals, the association aims to actively contribute to the eradication of violence.
In PSIMA we believe that the phenomenon of violence must be approached in all its magnitude and complexity and that an effective response implies interventions with both victims and perpetrators. From this perspective and with the clear and determined responsibility of social professionals and public and private administrations, we firmly believe that we can tackle the problem of violence and achieve progress towards a just, egalitarian and violence-free society.
Partners and funders
- University of Valencia
- Prison Social Services of the City of Valencia
- PSIMA Association
- Valencia City Council
- Generalitat Valenciana
- University of Valencia
- Obra Social "La Caixa"
- Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Activity Report
To consult the activity reports, please download the attachments:
Economic report
To consult the financial reports, download the attached documents:
Code of conduct and best practices
The PSIMA Association has a code of conduct and good practices that provides guidelines for good management.